Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for taking the time to come by and have a read. Sometimes I'm all over the place as my thoughts come randomly so hang in there with me. I'll do my best to be cohesive, I promise. I'll also do my best to keep up with the blog. I promise to always be honest. There's nothing worse than feeling alone in life and like no one understands, but I promise you that there are loads of people going through the same struggles in life, including weight loss, and I'm one of them. Anyway, enjoy! Comments are welcome but don't be rude.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My Weight Loss Journey: Back on the Wagon!

"I'm back.....I'm back on the wagon again" (in my best Steven Tyler voice). What a crazy two weeks!!! I gained about 6 pounds :( But I'm more determined than ever. And I feel like I'm on this journey for the rest of my life and set backs are to be expected. I didn't want to be sick, I certainly didn't ask to be incapacitated, but I did ask for junk food lol Now I have to face the consequences and hopefully I'll be down the 6 pounds by the end of this week or next. The fact that I can go running now will be a huge help. And I'm getting a new bike this week! Mine was stolen out of my cellar last year. 

One of the things that I really want to do is get together a running troop of sorts. I've read, and I firmly believe, when you run with people it's so beneficial. I know when I run with Craig it helps me to do better. And when I ran the 5k last year I found that I really pushed myself more because not only was I in a race but I was around other people and I wanted to do the best I could do. I feel really encouraged with other people around too because I feel like "I can do this!".

Well, its short and sweet today. If you want to join me in my "troop" let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about running, but I would like to do some kind of fitness!!! :)
