I know its been a while since my last post but I've really been having a hard time with eating well and exercising and I've been feeling down so I haven't had much to say. I think I have a serious case of the winter time blues.
I went on vacation in December and I feel like ever since then it has been an up hill battle. My husband is from the UK so we went to see his family for the holidays. I was seriously addicted to co-op sausages and I probably ate them everyday for two weeks. And of course when I got home it was really hard to get back on the wagon. It's now the end of February and I'm just starting to eat better on a more consistent basis. I went to the nutritionist 2 weeks ago and as always I was very honest and told her exactly how I felt and how I was my eating was terrible. As always, she was very supportive. I explained to her how I was addicted to sausages and had a hard time getting back into the swing of things when I got home, but the whole time I was in England I never gave up on my fruits and vegetables. She was happy to hear that and she thought it was good news. Obviously eating fatty foods and the wrong kind of carbs is a no-no but at least I still had the good antibodies from the fruits and veggies.
We are our own worst enemy. What happens when you "fall off the wagon" of healthy eating?? You feel bad about yourself, you feel like a failure and you eat! Yah, that's really going to help. I need to keep telling myself that yes, I am going to fall off the wagon, I am going to have a bad weekend, a bad week, or a bad month, but I need to dust myself off and pick up where I started and move forward. I have to remind myself of that constantly. Then eventually the bad month turns into a bad week now and again, then a bad day now and again and then hopefully, eventually, all I will need to over come is a weak moment. (I need to remember, its OK to have a splurge day now and again, but its not OK for it to be a daily habit.)
Today has been a good day. I hope I can continue on this trend.
Welcome to my blog!
Thanks for taking the time to come by and have a read. Sometimes I'm all over the place as my thoughts come randomly so hang in there with me. I'll do my best to be cohesive, I promise. I'll also do my best to keep up with the blog. I promise to always be honest. There's nothing worse than feeling alone in life and like no one understands, but I promise you that there are loads of people going through the same struggles in life, including weight loss, and I'm one of them. Anyway, enjoy! Comments are welcome but don't be rude.