I know I haven't really updated this blog faithfully but I will try and do better in the future. Sometimes I just don't have anything new to say. Its the same ole same ole struggle. And I'm sure no one really wants to hear the same complaining all the time.
Anyway, I went to a nutritionist the other day. My insurance company required me to do this because my husband and I are going to be starting IVF soon. So because of my BMI they required me to go to a Fetal Maternal Medicine specialist and a Nutritionist. I went to a dietician years ago and it was a complete waste of my time so I really wasn't looking forward to this visit. And I definitely would never have gone on my own.
I was definitely pleasantly surprised. The nutritionist, Dr. Hilary Wright (Domar Center in Waltham), never made me feel bad about myself and never said I shouldn't do this that or the other thing. It was all really positive and informative. I have PCOS, which includes insulin resistance, and she wrote a book about having a healthy diet when you have PCOS. In all the doctors I have ever had, not one of them gave me as much info about PCOS as she did. Especially making sure that I eat properly with this condition.
Everything Dr. Wright said to me made so much sense and really clicked in my head. I've been eating a more balanced diet for the past few days and I feel great. I don't feel deprived and I feel like I have so many more options than if I was on one of these fad diets out there. Of course there are things that I need to stay from, and I need to incorporate exercise (which I already do, about 3x a week) but it's probably one of the easiest things I've ever done as far as "dieting" goes. But really, it's not a diet, its a more healthy way to live and eat for life.
One of the things that she said that really convinced about all of this was when she started talking about preparing a good environment for my future baby. How I eat definitely effects that. I've been through so much and still have such a long road ahead of me with IVF that anything that helps my chances of successful IVF is worth it to me. And it definitely helps me to be healthy for my future baby. If I can learn how to live and eat healthy, I can teach my kids how to live and eat healthy. Which is so important to me because I would never want my kids to have to go through the things I went through growing up, and I especially would not want them to develop Type 2 diabetes or be obese.
So this is what has been going on in my weight loss journey.
Welcome to my blog!
Thanks for taking the time to come by and have a read. Sometimes I'm all over the place as my thoughts come randomly so hang in there with me. I'll do my best to be cohesive, I promise. I'll also do my best to keep up with the blog. I promise to always be honest. There's nothing worse than feeling alone in life and like no one understands, but I promise you that there are loads of people going through the same struggles in life, including weight loss, and I'm one of them. Anyway, enjoy! Comments are welcome but don't be rude.